“I listen, if you choose to speak… And, then, I listen some more.

And if you choose to inquire I listen, again.

And until granted permission, I become your sounding board.

For what I know for sure is that we all have the answers if we choose to listen within.

I hold the space for you to excavate, look under rocks, toss the familiar,

begin again, and find what wants to be created, healed, and found.”

- Martha Jeffers

As a coach, I support you in meeting your short-term or long-term goals.  If you have a dream, I support you in making such a dream materialize. If you are finding challenges in navigating through present circumstances, I support you in finding the space to breathe and find clarity.  The quest is in identifying blocks or limitations, and supporting you move through the resistance that may be keeping you from awakening to your brilliance!

I invite you to contact me.  Let’s chat and explore what is wanting or waiting to be known.


I am based out of Los Angeles, California (USA) where I see clients in person and also offer sessions by phone or virtually for out-of-town clients. Set up a Complimentary Consultation, to check it out, in person or over the phone.