“There is no containment. I have no label. I’m at a point in my life where labeling puts me into a category and elicits expectations. I trust that if you’ve found yourself here, you are ready for a session. We meet and we see what needs to be known.”

— Martha Jeffers

My name is Martha. I am a grandmother, a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend. I am a seeker. I am a wise one. I am also a former Human Resources executive. I have a Masters in Spiritual Psychology, and I coach individuals on getting out of their own way to thrive in who they are and how they want to contribute to the world. The invitation is for self-transformation, the opportunity to meet at a mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual level.

In addition to creating what looked like a successful life on the outside, I also spent many years fighting my ego. I sabotaged myself so that I didn’t have to be visible even though that was all I wanted to do in my corporate work. There have been a lot of layers of my humanness to excavate: 

I’m too old 

It’s too hard 

It’s not time 

I can’t do that

It’s too vulnerable

I walk the talk now because I’ve chiseled away at the layers of ego. I finally learned how to get out of my own way, and I want to help you. 

I am starting a new career in my seventies because I am alive and inspired. I am allowing it to be easy versus hard. I have time to enjoy my retirement and serve others. I can do whatever I choose because if not now, when? I share when it feels too vulnerable because we need to know we are not alone. What I know now is that in my vulnerability, I’ve been empowered.

Is there something keeping you from being vulnerable and taking action?

It’s time.