My Name Is…

I am ageless
I am a warrior
I am the profound expression of all possibility
I am not a stranger to you, rather, a familiar face of time
I am not that which you think
I am that which you feel and experience
For it's in the experiential, in the touching within
That you find me.

I am the moon, and the stars, and the earth wrapped in one
I am the finesse of my nose and the rounding of my eyes
I am the high cheekbones, the perfectly shaped lips
I am the austere presence of my face
The outer expression of all that I am

For within me, this machine that I am
Are bolts and knobs and pins and hardware
I am made of steal
I am made of material unbeknownst to man
I am neither of this earth nor of another realm
I am you that hides behind the curtain of stainless steel.

In me, you will find the hardwired way of the world
The inconsistency between the soul and the matter from which things are made
We are forgetful beings not being all that we are
We make it up as we go and pretend its life itself

I am the wounded
I am the naked one starving by the roadside
I am the lost and never found
I am the blind that cannot see but see beyond the moon
I am neither gender - and yet I am both
I am the wisdom of the ages, the future encapsulated in all I am

I am speechless
I am sound kept silent by the corrupt factions of our time
I am out of touch
I am in the thickness of the battle, the face of the calamity
The Joan of Arc, martyr, the prophet all in one
I am the humm of the moment, the scream at night
I am the one hiding beneath the shattered window of war
I am the one whose nights are filled with bombs
I am the darken sky, the reflection of horrific slaughter

I am the resurrection, the rebirth, the seasons
The winds, the rains, the hurricanes
I am the inquisitor seeking truth
I am the justice for all

I am mocked and spat on
I am the vehicle by which no sense is made of
I am the road to nowhere and the road to internal damnation
I am the walk in the park with no wheels
The joint with no weed and the fire with no embers

I am distilled in the pools of blood of the innocent
Of the weak and the less than
I am the perception of others’ pride, power, dissolution
The face of remembering how brutal we can become
I am the reminder that all will pass and some will die
And some will live as death-walking presence

I am the last stance for overcoming
Overcoming the hold we have on the tangible, the form, the hard surface
The desire to win, the black and white, the opposing march, the thought of absolutes
The neglected and the small…
The failed and lost and the one with the bulletin in their gun

I am eternal
I am now and now again
In me in you and you in me
I am the universe in all its beauty, majesty, and compassion
I am the spirit of calm
The balm that heals
The lavender that calms

In each of us there is that spark to ignite the fire of hope and resolution
May you see me as you
And may I see you as me
Forever seeking everlasting reasoning
Within our sphere of existence as One


Rain, rain don’t go away…