
To open up in all my vulnerability seems rather insane. But, I know that in order to write in the present, from my gut, I must allow vulnerability to encapsulate me, otherwise, words drop onto the page in logic form.  The logic wanting to make sense, to validate,  to scrutinize.  

Exposure seems dangerous.  Exposure seems frantic and chaotic when I think of possible consequences.   Yet, that’s where my truth lies barren, unsheltered, unprotected.  It’s as if my truth no longer has to be hidden, at last escaping the tyranny of my own judgmental court.  It’s being seen in plain sight with eyes wide shut!  

In this vulnerable place, I  find that life can unfold vibrantly - unfolding with color schemes beyond the rainbow; unfolding beyond dreams carefully packaged and placed under a pillow for one day to behold. 

Life is full of brilliant color schemes that sway me into moments of sheer stress or moments of purification!  The silence is the doorway to that other world!  The healing balm.  The water that soothes the thirst.  The quiet and safe place of full exposure, full vulnerability to those places inside that scream to be known, revealed and dissolved!!




The Beauty I See in You…