
There have been moments in my life where a contemplative life seemed distant and far away belonging only to those called to live a monastic or cloistered life.  The introspection on the Divine was best served in seclusion.  In seclusion one could create an intimacy with the Universe, God, Allá.  Within the walls of caves or monasteries or ashrams one had no other distraction but to be in contemplation many hours of a day.  What a misunderstanding!

If you have ever been in awe and stopped for a moment to experience the aweness of the moment, I would say you were in full contemplation.  More than likely your heart would swell and you would be touched by the feelings brought forward.  It’s that singular moment that brings us to a full stop to reflect its incredible beauty.  What I find is that contemplation is that - the stillness one feels when observing the inward stirrings of the mundane or the sacred.

I find I’m spending a great deal more time in my front garden these days just sitting.  Sitting and allowing the breeze and the beauty of the blooming spring flowers to bathe my consciousness.  There’s nothing to do in these moments.  The distractions of the day that beg me to move or create, suddenly stop so that I may pay attention.  When I do, the doing is done unto me!  

Perhaps this is the time to experience equanimity with all that we are facing.  A time to contemplate on where we are; to reflect back on what we have done with our precious life; to allow vulnerability to be exposed but for a second as we free-fall unto the unknown.

I’m reminded of the tree under which I sit. Its roots are strong and deep.  Winds have shaken its branches and earthquakes have rocked its bones but it still stands, majestic, strong, and not the worse from weathering the storms.  How deep are our roots?  How strong is our faith - in humanity, in the Divine, in ourselves?  How willing are we to take these times as precious times to move into our infrastructure and repair hurts, pain, disconnection, anger, inertia and apply the salve of forgiveness?  How willing are we to change?  How willing are we to contemplate the simplicity of life, of nature?  How willing are we to scale back from more?

This is what the Holy of Holy asks of us in these times, what has always been asked of us:  to sit in stillness but for a few minutes and contemplate on the sacredness of life and to express our gratitude for all in our existence.  The One, The Master Creator, She who watches over us got our attention!  Peace be still.



